Meet the Archaeologist
Here's a nice little film made by Archaeosoup Productions. It's all about me, what I research, and how I got into it, focusing...
Australian Radio
Here's a link to a friendly (but quite extensive and detailed) little radio interview I did for Afternoons with Kelly Higgins-Devine, ABC...
Secrets of the Vikings: Stories of the West
A short film we made for the History Channel in 2015, in association with the VIKINGS TV drama. This episode 'Stories of the West'...
What is ZooMS?
A little piece I did for the National Science Learning Centre a few years ago, explaining our biomolecular method for the identification...
Time Team Special: The Real Vikings
First up, a brief clip from this 2010 show, talking about combmaking evidence from the Hungate excavations in York.
Personal Appearances; TV and Radio Updates
This is where I'll be posting personal podcasts, and archiving clips of my media appearances. I'll also post news of forthcoming public...