Press for Combs & Communities 2008-2015
Univeristy of York: The Bloodthirsty Viking's Grooming Kit
NERC, Planet Earth: First vikings in Orkney didn't trade with locals
Press for Urban Networks & Arctic Outlands 2015
University of York: Scandinavian trade triggered the Viking Age
Science Nordic: Viking Age Began in Denmark
Ancient Origins: Reindeer Antlers Rewrite Start of Viking Age
Archaeology.org: Viking Age began with trade
Futurity: Trade led to Viking Invasion of England
Discovery: Vikings Traded first (then plundered)
thelocal.dk: Vikings were in Denmark earlier than thought
thelocal.no: Viking voyages began earlier than thought
New Historian: Early Vikings were traders, not looters
Sci-new.scom Viking Age started earlier than previously thought
medievalists.net: Scandinavian trade triggered the Viking Age
Press for What Really Caused the Viking Age 2015
University of York: New Research on Causes of the Viking Age
International Business Times: Vikings invaded for exotic adventure and social bravado
Daily Mail: The Original Package Holidaymakers
New Historian: research into Viking Age reveals possible causes
Heritage Daily: New research on the causes of th Viking Age
Medievalists.net: What really caused the Viking Age?
Press for Melting Pot 2016-2018
University of York: Project Launch
'AHRC: Festive Food- A viking Feast for Yuletide
BBSRC: From Loki to Lipids- Using modern biology to discover Viking culture
Press for the Viking Axis 2021-2.