Autumn Update

It's been a little while since we posted on here, so thought it might be worth letting you know what we've been up to since the summer. We've had a busy few months, collecting samples from sites in Yorkshire, LIncolnshire and London, analysing them under the microscope in the search for charred plant remains, drilling them for residues, and then processing and analysing the samples. The first results are on the way... watch this space!
We have also been putting together materials for the outreach and educational elements of our research programme, including getting these lovely Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian style pots made up for future museum, experimental, and outreach activities. We're very grateful to Lee Steele, the Potter Man, for making these bespoke vessels for us, and we're looking forward to using them.

Lee was even kind enough to let me and my son have a go at making some pots, and apparently they have survived the kiln, though I am afraid they wouldn't meet the standards of the early-medieval table (or at least mine wouldn't).

In related news, we are delighted to be hosting Lee for an early-medieval ceramics masterclass at the York Experimental Archaeology Research centre (YEAR) in December. More on that soon.
All photos by Lee Steele, Potter Man Studios