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Impact events
The project is intended to benefit the scholarly study and public knowledge of the Viking Age, and of food studies more generally.
See Publications for details of our scholarly outputs.
Events and resources for children and local communities will aid the effort to improve understanding of the complex expression of identity in today's world of global mobility and culture contact.

Public Events
We will be organising a range of events for the public (Scouts, Girlguides and Young Archaeologists' Club). We plan to attend the Jorvik Viking Festival, Festival of British Archaeology, and Festival of Ideas. See our blog for news!

Childrens' Groups and Societies
We will also be organising a range of events for particular interest groups: notably childrens' clubs and societies (e.g. Scouts; Girlguides; Young Archaeologists' Club). See our blog for news!

Conferences and Workshops
We will be attending a number of scholarly conferences, both at home and overseas. Events planned include the International Medieval Congress (Leeds, UK), the European Association of Archaeologists (Maastricht, NL), ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (Granada, ESP), and the Viking Congress (Aarhus, DK). See our blog for news!
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