Melting Pot brings together a team of experts with skills in archaeology, history, and bioscience.
Based in the Dept of Archaeology at the university of York, and in the university's brand new state-of-the-art BioArCh facility, the team is uniquely placed to combine artefactual, archaeobotanical, biomolecular, and stratigraphic analyses.
Steve Ashby
Principal Investigator
Steve directs the project. A Viking-Age artefact specialist, with a background in the archaeology of animals, his job is to ensure the diverse techniques employed come together to tell us new stories about life in the Viking Age.

/// Steve Ashby
Oliver Craig
Oliver Craig is director of York's BioArCH centre. He is a specialist in the study of the residues that soak into pottery and other materials. He will be overseeing the laborartory work in this project, and assisting in the analysis of results.

/// Oliver Craig
Anita Radini
Anita Radini is an environmental archaeologist with over a decade of experience in analysing ancient plant remains. For Melting Pot, she will be taking samples and running analyses of ancient fat residues, and identifying plant remains from the charred criusts left on pottery.

/// Anita Radini