KS2 Educational Resources
How does Baghdad around the year 900 contrast with British History?
The modern city of Baghdad, and the River Tigris.
Produced by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from Washington D.C, United States [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]

The Abassid Caliphate at its greatest extent.Produced by Umayyad750ADloc.png: Gabagoolderivative work: Bassem [CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)]
In 960 AD/CE, Baghdad was the wealthy capital of a powerful Islamic caliphate, a Muslim empire stretching from Morocco to Central Asia. It was ruled by the Abbasid dynasty and was a major centre of trade. Goods were brought from across and beyond the Muslim world, including food stuffs and culinary ingredients. Surviving cook books indicate the sophistication and variety of recipes and ingredients available to the wealthy elites of Baghdad, often served on beautifully made pottery.
Following the model from lessons 1 and 2, the scheme of work covers two optional enquiry questions:
1. The first "What can recipes tell us about past people?" analyses surviving recipes for evidence of what the rich consumed. The enquiry will also consider where the ingredients came from, and what this can tell us about food-trading patterns across and beyond the Abbasid Empire.
2. The second enquiry question " What can lost treasures in Indonesia and Denmark tell us about Baghdad in 900?" focuses on archaeological evidence excavated far beyond the borders of the Abbasid Empire, which indicate that trading from Baghdad stretched across the world. One cache of evidence is a Viking-era hoard buried on a Danish island, but containing Abbasid silver coins, while the other is the unique ship wreck of an Arabic trading vessel off Indonesia carrying Chinese ceramics and other luxury items to Arabia.
Lesson 3: Baghdad
Lesson Plan
Lesson 4: Baghdad
Lesson Plan
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